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Sierra Club Launches Campaign To Regulate Marcellus Drilling

The WV Sierra Club has launched a campaign to deal with the gaping holes in regulation of Marcellus Shale gas wells. Potential dangers from this relatively new type of drilling range all the way from streams being sucked dry to chemical poisoning of first responders.

The WV DEP only has 17 inspectors for 55 counties for thousands of gas wells.  Everyone has a different take on the Marcellus “gold rush” but one thing’s for sure.  Unless we pressure our legislators to enact laws that will guard our birthright and our children’s future, our hills and hollows will be a very different place.

The idea is simply to build a bloc of voters who will press their county commissions, their legislators and the WV DEP to enact sensible regulation on the water, land and air issues caused by Marcellus drilling and then hold their feet to the fire at election time and during the legislative session.  No one should feel alone or powerless or unduly pressured by drillers.  We need to educate ourselves and our neighbors and turn that knowledge to power. We are all in this together and there is nothing more important than safeguarding the natural systems on which all life depends.

Many of us have lived on our land for decades using water wells for drinking, washing, cooking….the essentials of life.  They may have the right to extract the gas, but you have the right to a healthy environment and only a careful set of rules can prevent water contamination.  Yes, we need jobs and prosperity, but without clean water, nothing works. 

There’s much you can do.  Talk to your neighbors and county commissioners.  Call your legislators toll-free (1-877-565-3447).  Learn your rights at the  WV Sierra Club websites at or contact Chuck Wyrostok, Sierra Club Outreach Organizer at or toll-free 877 252 0257.

Document Actions
3 Ring Binder Project
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to report incidents and problems

Contact Governor

  • Call the Governor toll free at 888-438-2731.

Contact Legislators

  • Call your state legislators at the Capitol via this toll free number 877-565-3447.

Contact DEP

  • Share your concerns with the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) at 304-926-0499.

Report accidents and spills

  • WV DEP Spill Hotline 1-800-642-3074
  • National Response Center 1-800-424-8802
  • EPA Eyes on Drilling Tipline 1-877-919-4372 or email


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